Tuesday 2 November 2010


Movember has arrived once again and I need a question to be quelled...

Would dearly love you (my lovely lovely readers) to answer this one for me if possible! Comment! Feedback! PLEASE!

Robin Ward:
Yes. In the way a sideburn is still a sideburn if it attached to hair. But then does a sideburn stop being a sideburn if attached to a beard? However i don't think a goatee is a goatee if it is attached to a beard - for obvious reasons. This is confusing. Maybe it is all about uniqueness of facial location - if it is - a moustache is always a moustache.

Michael de Soet:
it is def although it shows a lack of creativity

Julia Rizzolo Blackman:
I think you should investigate here: http://moustacheandbeardquarterly.blogspot.com/

Richard J. Massey:
How awfully Geschtalt

Jamie Bryce:
No, it must be detached from the beard. Otherwise it is just a part of the beard.

Matthew Mitchell-Camp:
It is but for the purposes of growvember it has to be a mustache on its own. Its not as comical or as much of a burden otherwise I don't think.

and so we continue...

Thursday 21 October 2010


That... was... Absolutely AWESOME!!! Actually shouting out loud as if I was there! I'm going in for a second view...

My comment after seeing my good friend Matt Stafford, from ad agency 'LBi', fisting someone in the ring.

Not quite as crude as I've made it sound, he and a select few others from LBi took on the neighbouring company of bankers for a bout of fisty cuffs in the Emirates stadium. All in the name of charity (Help for Heroes), Matt managed to raise a further lump sum with this clever bit of creative...

He sold sections of his body for to people, they in return got to place a design of their choice in that space, live ads on living ad space hence the name, 'The Brawling Billboard'.

and if you look very carefully you can see my addition (admitedly shitty, dont judge me it was a last minute thing, the last minute before midnight the day before) just beneath his left nipple, close to the heart, thanks shnookums...

Top banana Matt, brilliant work.
...and yes, he won, TKO. noice.

Thursday 30 September 2010

Emotive ambient audio...

Listen to this Ambient track...
J. BIEBZ - U SMILE 800% SLOWER by Shamantis
A deep, embracing and powerful piece of audio right? Well what if I was to tell you it was just a Justin Bieber Track in slooooow motion?
An ambient masterpiece or a simple pop arse taken to a new level, im sure we will be seeing much much more of these bastardised beauties in the near future.
Thanks to Lauren 'The Pirate' Robey for unleashing this on me.
Full story with original Bieber video at regular speed... HERE.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Twitter illustration, sent in by Yuen Cooper

Lovely, thanks Yuen!
Remember, you can send me any quirky/incredible/clever stuff to jjdentoncreative@gmail.com. Featured items will get an email of thanks back...

Friday 10 September 2010

Being a dickhead is cool, but you probably already knew that...

Hilariously accurate vid from The Grand Spectacular...

Just watch the view counter on the youtube page, she's gonna blow.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Best Google 'doodle' EVER....?

Well is/was it?

See the full write up, hyar

Friday 27 August 2010

Another American reality (see also: Twinkie)...

Old hat, new media?

The new Chatroulette campaign for 'The Last Exorcist' is a cracker, targeting greasy handed teenagers hoping to get a crafty peek at a cheerleaders boobie, they get a 'softening' blow from the devil himself (im just glad none of them got up and ran away).
Its amazing how one dastardly site has been turned into a top media used for creating virals (check the view count!).

(Thanks WebKitten)

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Brock Davis's blog...

"Make Something Cool Every Day: 2009
One piece of creative work made every day for 365 consecutive days.
January 1st - December 31st. Enjoy."
That was the plan, the result was blinding.
As one hirsute gent put it "Brock Davis is a gentleman who operates on a level of creativity that would crush the skull of a normal man." (Check HIS blog here).
I couldn't agree more.
See the whole set (all 365) HERE.

Friday 20 August 2010

Gaspar Noe - Enter the Void. Opening Credits. Wow, just wow.

Gaspar Noe, the french director that brought you such audio/visual delights as 'Irreversible' (known for its horrific 12min rape scene) and the ultra depressing and life questioning 'I Stand Alone' has now brought out his new film (soon)... 'Enter the Void'.
The artwork for the film looks second to none and, as usual with Gaspars films, intense and assaulting.
The opening credits have been leaked and Im VERY impressed... (watch these on the youtube page as blogger is still cropping!)

Phew! Yep thats Thomas Bangalter (one half of Daft Punk) doing his destructive audio thing again.
Here's the films official trailer...

Definitely one to see at the cinema.

Thursday 19 August 2010

In the future we will all converse like this to save our mouth batteries...

'iLingual' app, available at all good iphone app stores...

Monday 16 August 2010

Ashley Browning's simplified Streetfighter Characters

A nice method to explore, looking forward to seeing more of this type of thing, might even try my hand at it myself...
More form the maker found at his FlickR page (infinitecontinutes), some of these make great iPhone wallpapers by the way.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Foffa Bikes - Guerilla Campaign

My latest campaign (particularly proud so it has made it to the Yetti)...

This is the mock-up I sent one of the business partners after a chance encounter while out on my bike.
Check out my portfolio for a full set of photos from the night spray itself... HERE!
Great store, great bikes, great people. Believe the hype.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

HD TV ad from Kanye West...

..OK it's his new music vid but everybody's doing it, these slo-mo hi-res video pieces, stepping up the HD revolution. Liking Kanyes (well, Marco Brambilla's [great site]) effort here.
"Inspired by Michelangelo's frescos in the Sistine Chapel, the piece depicts a faux historical moment - an empire on the brink of collapse from its own excess, decadence and corruption."
To watch I'd suggest opening in Youtube and giving it the fullscreen 1080p it deserves rather than the shitty blogger 2/3s of a screen look (ahem.. Blogger! SORT IT).


Monday 2 August 2010

Panasonic Gets A Gold Star For Earphone Packaging Design

Its these little things in life that make me happy.

I can see that in the Saatchi Gallery.

I would love to se this re-filmed and edited by a professional, Full 1080p and without the 'dudes' rambling on about how much their hands are burning.
Can totally see that making it into the Saatchi Gallery. Someone please do it!

Sunday 25 July 2010

Draw and Fold Over...

A classic game that guarantees a pair of boobies or a willy to the table every time.
Start your own and send it to me (jjdentoncreative@googlemail.com), i'l draw you a piece, the winning image to be posted up here by the end of next month.

Friday 23 July 2010

might be the last last one to be on this but... LIFEINADAY..24/07/2010

LOVE these big collaborative campaigns, youtube do them bloody well too.
"Oscar-winning director Kevin Macdonald discusses his latest project, Life In A Day: a historic global experiment to create a user-generated documentary film shot in a single day.
On July 24, you have 24 hours to capture a glimpse of your life on camera. The most compelling and distinctive footage will be edited into an experimental documentary film, executive produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin."
The film will premiere at the Sundance festival 2011 and, should you get your footage shown, you will be put into the credits as a co-director, with the possibility of being one of 20 to be taken to the festival with Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald.

Check all the links...http://www.youtube.com/lifeinaday

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Bring back the personal touch to your (E) letters...

Liking the concept, hope it works as smoothly as it seems on the vid (highly doubt it). Great, simple idea.

Do it...

The next step toward me living inside a modern day modified 'After Burner' arcade machine...

I'm no game geek but this be some pretty g'darn impressive physics engine!

Lagoa Multiphysics 1.0 - Teaser from Thiago Costa on Vimeo.

Monday 5 July 2010

Yep, il 'ave some o they...

So another item to add to the 'I'll have one of these for my next Christmas/Birthday present' list...

Hermes kicks... HERMES KICKS. I will never wear them, but I want them. Just like one of those lilo-shaped kites that lifts you up into the air, which for the record I also really want.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Wanna see what its like to go to North Korea?

From the guy that brought you Vice magazine and VBS.TV, 'North Korean Madness'...

This guys got balls, I saw him on another DVD going to Chernobyl where he had to drink copious amounts of vodka to slow the effects of the severe radioactivity in the area.
Love Vice.

Takeshi Murata...

Visual creative wizardry using Flash/after Effects/Cinema 4D. Love the obvious experimental style he has, looks so alluring. Its brilliant when people take a medium to one of its infinite limits. Adobe never had this in mind.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Cannes Lions...

The best advertising awards (I can think of right now), happened over the weekend. Some really impressive stuff this year.
Definitely worth a look!
Cannon EOS - Photochains is a great idea and this movie for the new cinema aspect-ratio screened Philips TV...

is just awesome.
see the rest of the Philips vids on there youtube channel... HERE.

A real sad story...

Right Im gonna tell you all this once, and this is the last thing im ever going to say on the matter as the pain is just too unbearable to keep with me, after this last telling of the story im cutting the cord...
So, after reading my last post you will have gained that I was heading to Glastonbury festival last Thursday, I was so excited, Bags packed, youtube videos watched to hype myself up, alcohol brought and plastic bottled, I even borrowed an old phone so that I wouldn't have to rely on a shitty iphone battery, basically we were all set and ready to rock. I fell asleep the night before with butterflies in my stomach and even did that little 'running on the spot while laying down' thing you used to do when it was christmas eve as a kid. Next morning I woke up, an hour before my alarm, and rolled around with my eyes closed and slowly remembered that it was the day we were off to Glasto, happy. Then, as I rolled over, I felt a small uncomfortableness in my neck just below the right side of my jaw and I felt it with my fingertips. A small painful lump, about the size of a sachet of ketchup and as soon as I had felt it I knew exactly what it was... MUMPS (my girlfriend and her housemates had gotten it 2 weeks ago). Fucking mumps, and I havent really left my room since. Physically lumpy and emotionally scarred.
"These things happen", you might say, and "theres always next year" but this one was a special one, It was the 40th, it was the World Cup, but most of all it was sunny, VERY SUNNY. for those of you from outside the UK Its virtually never sunny at Glastonbury festival, kind of an ongoing joke.
So despite my saying in my last post I would have a full Glasto review... I don't... just a real sad story... and a (now boiled egg sized) mump on my jaw.
...still, these things happen, theres alway next year.


and ARRRRGHHH!!!...

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Ladies and gents...

Im doing some top secret guerilla-style advertising around London tonight so keep your peepers out for it tomorrow!
Also I will be galavanting off to Glastonbury (if you hadn't realised that yet) so my next post will be the next coming Monday, I know. I know, "but Josh, how will I cope without your marvellous words and delectable digital titbits?!?", You will just have to fill that void by reading a good book or looking up the days events at the festival thereby possibly seeing me and imagining me giving you a youtube link.
Keep your ears, and eyes, pricked up for the Glastonbury story on MONDAY.

Monday 21 June 2010

Augmented festival app that may actually be of real use! HELLO!

FREE purchase of this functional masterpiece (dont quote me on that, just saying its gonna be a good one to have [providing you dont have a bloody iPhone without anything less than a generator strapped onto it])... HERE!
From what I can quickly gather from the picture, You can see where all the stages are and who's playing now and next very quickly and easily, good for those blurred moments spent bumbling around lost looking for someone you know after heading for the toilets because you couldn't hold on to that 2 pinter any longer, even if it did mean you would miss the end of your favorite band/DJ...
AND (jesus, you guys are getting your Glasto rocks off here eh?) a full and timed line up for the festival so that those of you that are going can spend hours making a list of exactly who you want to see and those who aren't going can set up your Sky Plus, bite your fists and vow to go next year... OFFICIAL FULL LISTINGS WITH TIMES.

Friday 18 June 2010

Shangri-La ad, Thanks to Sharan Zwister for this beauty...

I love the filmic use of Tilt-Shift (A new method a lot of people are getting involved with at the moment which makes the subject seem smaller, and more toy-like, than it actually is using fore/background blurring and increasing the contrast and colour etc) in various frames of this short, really excentuates the fagility of the lost traveller.
More Tilt-Shift examples... HERE.

To vuvuzela or not to vuvuzela, there really is no question...

If you like the sound of that go build a house next to the M5 you great arse.
Come on you England.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Stussy & Jarvis collab...

Stussy and illustrator James Jarvis have teamed up to create a set thats promotes responsible street culture, not great for the brand im thinking but a great set of images all the same thanks Jarvis! After meeting James last year I have been looking to procure a graphic of his to meet the illustration he gave me and I think one of this new set will be the decider (you can see the set near the end in the video below)...

Stussy - James Jarvis from Stussy on Vimeo.

Thanks Dan @ The Graphical for this one...

Sunday 13 June 2010

Weekend-proof your iPhone...

Everyone has seen or knows someone who has seen a phone being accidentally dropped in a pint or down the toilet etc when pissed, well fret not kids, Golden-Shellback has the answer... and I dont think you could really ask for a better preforming product!

Golden Shellback Waterproof Coating from gCaptain.com on Vimeo.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Uploaded to Youtube... A THOUSAND TIMES.

Yep. ya heard me correct, A man (named Patrick Liddell, a musician, fucking creative types [me, this is exactly the sort of thing I could see myself doing as an experiment heh]) actually tok the time to upload, rip and re-upload this video of himself... 1000 times!

The end result looks like the first porno I ever saw, yeah thats VHS quality right there...

See the full story, and a few more vids in between... HERE.

Nice little touches that make me happy...

Type 'world cup' into Google. the bottom changes to Goooooooooal.
Thanks Rupert Skive/Dare Digital for this little thang.

Sunday 6 June 2010

Wedgie font...

Its crisp and clean, but not sure of its multi-functionality exactly! Might do a lil something with it one day but for now i'm just liking this geeky fonts 'contact sheet' or 'menu' here...


Thursday 3 June 2010

Ferdinand GT3...

Nicely filmed (another Cannon 5D/7D production no doubt), I love the dead pan presenter and the lap at the end is just beautiful. Comedy GOLD.
This is the cars maker, doing the making... BLAMO.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Right kids, it's Illustrator Wednesday again...

This is the new book from Israel-born graphic designer Noma Bar, Simple but wonderfully concise and meaningful designs. You may recognise his style from Guardian magazines.
I have had this contact sheet of Noma images compiled for you to peruse... HERE.
Inadvertantly came across this site on my Noma travels, just liked the name really... http://www.itsnicethat.com/user/noma-bar

A sticky end to BP.. well the word anyway...

"As the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues to wreak havoc on the environment and residents along the gulf shore, this plugin may not do much to stop the oil, but it’s a nice way to express anger and outrage over BP’s response (or lackthereof)."

“Want BP to [blank] up your browser like they’ve [blank] up the Gulf? Install the Oil Spill Firefox plugin from @jess3.”
Josh Denton 'Likes' this...
Thanks Webkitten for Tweeting this little number.

Saturday 29 May 2010

Betty Fingers...

Right, just saw the new ad from Betty Crocker where the kid is baking chocolate cakes.

I couldn't help but be reminded of something...

Watch the Betty Crocker ad again and you'll see what i mean...

Thursday 27 May 2010

Good old casual racism...

Check out this lil site, 'BACON OR BEER CAN'... http://www.baconorbeercan.com/
Josh Denton 'likes this' (in a Facebook-esque manner)
I hear the guy that made this little mini site actually was given a job over it, well done (no seriously... well done.)

Monday 24 May 2010

Roll up roll up....

This little ditty was remixed and reworked by my own good self, a long time ago, in my first year of university (while I was supposed to be writing an essay on department stores/malls).
This video is to inspire YOU, my great readers (may you live long and fruitful lives), to send in your own marvellous creations to me so that you can bring yourselves fame and fortune through the media of SweatyYetti!

REMEMBER - Your posts to jjdentoncreative@googlemail.com. PRIZE (yes prize) to the best entry before Glastonbury...

Friday 21 May 2010

Nike - WRITE THE FUTURE... World Cup Ad series...

God, I have posted way too many videos recently... especially with Blogger not fitting them in the bloody blog roll properly. SORT IT.
This little beauty is the compilation edit of all the individual players 30 second spots, which are all beautifully shot etc (of course, its Nike).

Gotta drop the Rooney one on ya too, a class act...

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Monster in your pocket?

Just downloaded the (free so why not?) iHobo 'app' from Depauluk.com to promote awareness about the lifestyles of the homeless and raise money for the cause (via an onapp donating feature).
It's He's basicly a human Tamagotchi that gets into hobo scrapes from time to time. Push notifications let you know when he is being abused by kids or getting fucked up on drugs etc. I have mine on my desk, open, where I can keep an eye on the little blighter... oh he's just wondered off to get a "hot drink", yeah OK then, sure, if he comes back drunk he's can forget about getting his bloody sleeping bag tonight...

Great use of App here people, more of these please and I will definitely be considering this media more immediately when speaking to clients in future.

Monday 17 May 2010

Genius like a diamond bullet to the temple...

The work Club do the Bart... man.

New piece from 'The Work Club', a South/East London agency that I'd like to work for. Thanks Staffs for tweeting this lil pup

Thursday 13 May 2010

The most Awesomest Thing Ever...

This is by definition awesome.
I think the highest rank I saw was lasers, in at number 7.
...just found the top 100 section, should have guessed really. Good for consumer behaviour research?

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Just a quickie before I go... thanks to SoSticky

PIXELS is Patrick Jean' latest short film, shot on location in New York.

3D porn...? and the excuse to put in a vid i've wanted to for a while...

Check the story...BLAP.
So, I heard, Playboy have announced they will be doing the first 3D center fold (thank you Tim). To be honest not that excited about the crappy 'green and red glasses' type of 3D they will be using, really guys, forget those cardboard crap-D glasses, no one thinks they work - because they bloody dont and Hugh, seriously, get with the times buddy, surely we should be thinking bigger? Augmented Reality Playboy?. I think so. Just imagine the wankers on the screen while images of things are put over their nudey bits... hang on... I think I've seen...

Yep, that'll work.
Kudos to The Viral Factory.
Cant help but also include this little pearl (no porn pun intended)... Woman Tells Husband She Got Pregnant From Watching 3-D Porn.

Blogs an ting...

There was a huge bunch of writing here about how people just steal stories from each other and they get diluted as they pass down the chinese whisper chain of posts but I didnt really like it and that previous sentence just did it really so...
I guess the point is that the blogger is forming a collection of things that THEY find interesting so compiling an engaging and interactive online 'memory' for others to delve into and experience. Aha! There's the meaning to this post. Hopefully you get a lot of views and followers so you can see for yourself how 'interesting' you are? Is that right? Bloggers?
Anyway, on with todays post... see above (once i've done it)...

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Adrien Mondot (thanks Jim)

timeRemapExportHD from Adrien Mondot on Vimeo.

Check out his most recent shows edit... HERE.

The coalition sausage...

"Enough of this... gastronomic.. metaphor"
"You started it"
"Well, I've had enough of it"
The Mayor of my city of dwelling, Boris Johnson, comparing politics to pork... Boris for Prime Minsister.

Monday 10 May 2010

Nice blog... well nice idea, shame about the Buble.

Its called "Michael Buble is Being Stalked By A Velociraptor" and is just a collection of images to prove the fact, submitted by various.
LINK to the blog.

Saturday 8 May 2010

Crystal ball?

Might hire these two to show present my ideas... hmmm...

and just in case you were wondering what my political views are...


Thursday 6 May 2010

Unconventional speed tests...

Super slo-mo footage seems to be all the rage right now, what with this influx of amateur photographer/cameramen picking up super high quality creating DSLRs such as the Cannon 7D and realising they can whip up a slick looking bit of footage with minimal effort just by filming at 60 fps, I do like it and to be honest, the slower the better... how about 2700 fps (Phantom v640)? This ad for Googles Chrome browser is right up my street, Creative, fun, experimental, viral, messy, dangerous but accessible. When the potato gun blasts past the screen at full speed I laugh every time...

Hats off to the maker.

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Great interactivity, I love these hands on concepts.
Kudos to Louis 'Cassius' Clement for Tweeting this one.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

My latest cult figure on TV...

I swear this dog is looking into my soul... the longer I look, the deeper he goes... he sees all my insecurities and he sympathises... he silently collects my troubles in his endless woeful eyes... little balding dog, I salute you.
From the latest Orange ad (I like the series) - Dolphin. PRESS TO VIEW.

All your design inspirationals... 'Underoneroof'

"All your fav design inspiration site's under one roof. Currently looking at dropular, ffffound and yayeveryday. All credit remains with original content providers. Click on a thumbnail for larger images and original source. "
Bookmarkable... HERE.

Salt films site...

Found this on FWA today, I'm a huge fan of the quirky simplistic design it uses, fun but utterly functional. Excuse the rather short and bland write-up here, I felling a little tense, have some important job-related news coming through today and the suspense is killing me! Will fill y'all in on that as and when...
But, for the mean time (and the time is feeling particularly mean today), check out the site for yourself... HERE.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

The newest iPad related post on the entire internet...

...providing you read this the very second I put it up, otherwise you will be too far into the future and make my title obsolete. Nice thought that actually, i'm talking to you all from the past, not knowing what will happen in the future, hope you are all enjoying yourselves! Anyway, I may very well be rambling slightly so here is todays post...
A new app for the iPad and guess what, this actually looks like it could be of use!

Add this to the santa/birthday list please...

Monday 26 April 2010

An embarrassing tale. By way of apology for not posting for a week...

I'm going to tell you a story, It's absolutely true and happened to ME. just one of many embarrassing stories (I should really write a book). This is a real belter, you can tell it in pubs and pretend it happened to someone you know (which I guess it did). Anyway here goes...

The Most Embarrassing Moment of my Life... so far...
by Josh Denton

I am about 14 years old, just a boy, young and impressionable. Me and my friends are all around at one of their houses (parents house) having a sleepover, we are all upstairs playing Street Fighter (possibly 3rd strike, maybe alpha 3 just as a time frame for you). We are all sharing an 8th of skunk which we either procured together from a friends older brother/the skate park or my mate, whos house we were at, Dad (an artistic man [a legend really] who introduced us to the world of green [in his defence he was doing it because he thought that it was better that he show us it that some older boys and as I no longer smoke it i'm guessing it worked?]).
So anyway we are all upstairs in his bedroom which had been converted into a gaming haven for the night, big pillows/sofas etc. We smoked a couple of J's playing the customary 'Bu-wies-er' game (holding deeper and deeper 3 tokes round) to get the most from it and sat down to get stuck into some playstation, very very mashed.
I'm sitting near to the back of the group, I start to feel really dizzy and wobbly, 'it'll pass', I think to myself and keep watching Akuma pummel Chun-Li on the 14 inch tv taken in to the room especially for the game night. I look into the mirror on the wardrobe to my right and see my lips are starting to go a bit white. "you OK Jocky?" says Naim, "Yeah, course I am!" I reply in a sort of 'why the fuck wouldn't I be?' sort of jokey retaliation, "You gonna green? you look white", "NO, i'm fine!". A few more minutes pass (which feel like hours as by now I'm spinning like a catherine wheel) and start to wretch a little, obviously hiding all this from my mates as it would be 'pussy' to green out. Suddenly a BIG wretch comes up and I have a full mouth of warm, chunky, acidy vomit. Not much of this escaped my mouth so I calmly make for the door like i'm going to the toilet for a piss. At this point I am still feeling like I have not passed the point of no return, embarrassment-wise, as if I just make it to the bathroom I know I can just throw-up in the loo, have a little rest and a splash of cold water on the face and i'll be sorted.
So, I open the bedroom door, no one sees, I stagger out into the hallway and make my way round the banister to the end of the hallway where the bathroom is. This is where the real torment begins. On my way along the corridor I wretch uncontrollably again and (as my mouth is already tight with sick) there is a vomit explosion. I know I've made a mess but I get to the bathroom and rest my shaky hands on the rim of the toilet and my heavy head on the side of it. After a few minutes of doing an impression of a bird feeding its young into the watery nest I decide that, if I am to keep this as my own dirty secret, I'd better clean up my mess in the hallway and slip back into the back of the room before anyone notices im gone (which I had been for quite a while now). I follow my little trail of gag out of the bathroom with a wad of bogroll wiping as I go, I reach the door and look out into the hallway and only then do I see the true extent of the damage I have caused. There is sick literally fucking everywhere, the carpets/the rugs/the walls/the oil paintings his dad had done and all over the dresser, all the best cups and plates and cutlery full up with small putrid deposits from my own guts and in the center of this china/vomit covered piece of furniture lay the worst of all... a small picture of someone in a delicate silver frame, I wipe it and reveal a picture of my mates dead grandmother. I could have cried. To be honest I probably did a little, a feeling of absolute dispare fell over me. I went to the bathroom to get a roll of paper to begin the futile clean up. I started slowly padding the floor and wiped my sick splattering from an oil painting of a wedding dress. Then, the last thing that should have happened (I hate you god), and it sealed my fate forever... I heard the door to the living room open and someone (my mates Mum) started walking up the stairs, and in this house the landing doubled back on the stairs so I had to watch the back of her head in horror as she ascended the flight and finally turned round 180 degrees in slow motion to see me on my hands and knees covered in, and completely surrounded by, my own cold, dripping vomit. My mother was called and I went home that night in an extremely sorry state indeed, filled with shame... not with sick.

So there it is, the most embarrassing story of my like so far. I have no idea how i lived with that sort of shame as a school boy or how I ever showed my face in that house ever again, but I did. So yeah sorry again for that mate.
and If you were there that night, love ya boys, a great era...

Monday 19 April 2010

for those that care (which is probably the majority), the new iPhone...

and remember... you saw it here first (that is if you did actually see it here first and not at Gizmodo).

I actually made a few little videos of the phone but decided to let Gizmodo show them as I thought they might clutter up my page a bit, you can see them all here...

Another iPad book teaser...

Looks like fun but is it mixing things that shouldn't be mixed? Books are best served with a hefty does of your own imagination, I have trouble enough concentrating for a length of time without all those distractions (not really aiding the story), great for kids but is this really an expensive Nintendo? Am I just being a cantankerous old grouch? Yes, I probably am. I would definitely rather read this version than the regular one...
Think it looks good?

Friday 16 April 2010

In new music I like...

Although when I first got to the site I got 6 'indie girls with a cute croaky voice and an old acoustic guitar' type artists in a row and nearly gave up until I got a Z-Trip track which confirmed that this was a more serious experiment than I had thought when I was at croaky indie girl with old acoustic guitar number 5.

...and downloadable, boomshakalaka.

...ok, 'Hi bitch, Bye bitch' by Electric Fence has just taken my estimations down a peg or two so I'm guessing there is actually a fair amount of shite on here but a site worth checking out...

Thursday 15 April 2010

Sour grapes?

So, Its that time of year again... GLaSTonBuRY. As usual we have a small handful of grumblers saying how shitty the line-up is this year, well these are, coincidentally, the pople who don't have tickets...
Those of you faithful viewers (may God bless your souls) may remember my post during the last Glastonbury saying how painful it was to not be there or something like that. This year I'm so excited I have a ticket I nearly brought a pair of waders from Lidls.
LINE UP: http://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Book Review... Thanks 'Loaf' for hooking me up with a free copy...

It's good.
OK, It's great.
I've spent about a month dipping into this book By Dave Trott (the first of his I have read) and am pleasantly met, time after time, with real interesting and relatable subjects told in a very personal way. Its great I'm planning to read it again as soon as i've finished, memorising the gold. A thinking mans book, a creatives book, a drinkers comment down the pub.
Line after line of 'I have to remember that' moments...
Cheers Trott.

Looking over this after posting I realise it actually looks as if I've been paid to write it, sadly not... open to offers.

Monday 12 April 2010

Thanks to mah homie James Alliban for pointing this beautiful example of projection mapping out to me...

Sterling. Really is a wonderful piece of work this...

ENVISION : Step into the sensory box from SUPERBIEN on Vimeo.

"I almost wept when it turned into a cityscape"
James Alliban... thats 2 L's.

Sunday 4 April 2010

don't be square...

“In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatle fanatic named Jerry Levitan, armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, snuck into John Lennon’s hotel room in Toronto and convinced John to do an interview. 38 years later he made a film about it.”
Apart from an intriguing talk from a true legend, the animation is a real beaut'. A kind of 'Creature Comforts' feel to it with all the background noise..


Gr8-bit in the Sky...

This video has nothing more to see, If you aren't a Pink Floyd fan or (even more shame on you) haven't ever heard the Dark Side of the Moon album then just ignore this post. If you are, on the other hand, a stupendously big fan of this album, check this 8-bit rework of their album out...

I don't know why but I really like the boiled down digital effects, must be something to do with the SNES and an addiction to this album...

Swiss army mat...

Now I'm the kind of guy that just cant sit still. If im confined to an office chair i'm sitting on my feet, sitting in a ball and rocking around all over the place so working on the floor suits me pretty well. This little masterpiece really would be the best floor-based product ever purchased. Again, just great design. Kinda looks like what James Dyson would make if trying to improve carpet...

"Created by Shin Yamashita, a student at the Kyoto Institute of Technology, Land Peel is a foam floor covering which also has panels that flip up and fold, to become any sort of furniture you might need: From a table, to a backrest, to a drink tray, to a footrest, to a pillow."
Another birthday/Christmas gift to the list for me folks, note that...

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Sucking hell.

A banner with a real function is always welcome to 'try' and take my attention, This one from Vax actually spring cleans your computer! I spent a few minutes replaying this in the hope that I could get rid of some of the unwanted files from my Mac, unfortunately it's still running like Stephen Hawkins doing the 200m hurdles... headache.
Try for yourself... HERE.

Friday 26 March 2010

Thursday 25 March 2010

A point has been made which I agree on...

3D movies are (at the moment) a fucking eyesore. There, I said it.
All this media hype and hiked up prices... I have now got a headache and an empty pocket (though I did steal your glasses for the fancy dress party next week, the cherry on the top of my 'Dog the Bounty Hunter' outfit. Thanks IMAX). I cant ever see the whole screen at once as the edges of the screen are blurry and these afore mentioned glasses dig in to the bridge of my nose creating sore red dents when I take them off, making me look like a crackhead.
I was chatting to friend about this a couple of days ago and came to the conclusion that it's main benefit is to stop piracy... at the cost of all our retinas, and I price my retinas very highly...

...did like Avatar though...

Wednesday 24 March 2010


An beautifully emotional set of photos taken by Photographer Phillip Toledano of his Father (who has no short-term memory) after his mother passed away and how he coped with him during this time...

Creative agency: Kessels Kramer's site...

...is fantastic. Explore.

Thanks to the great Gyana Bindo for forwarding this one on to me!
Remember folks, you can send me links/gadgets/inspirations/concepts and I might just post them for all to see, giving you one of the smallest doses of fame that can possibly be achieved... it's on me...

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Hans frozen in...

Summers coming, time to pick up some Daz-fresh whites...

Loving this design from (what im expecting to be a bloody great) T printing site, one limited edition print a day, for that day only. nice. Sad thing is we have now all missed dour chance at being able to buy one of these 'Solo Pop' ones, buggeration...

Keep your peeper wide folks... but not so wide that when I wear my new shirt I see it on every square-eyed fella on the streets of London... http://www.teefury.com/

Thursday 18 March 2010

Addicted to good design...

What a great useable piece of product design, it's things like this that make the world turn round and keep me occupied for hours...

Thursday 11 March 2010


Don't see red, see £££'s.

yep, there even an app for that...
This one refunds your tube ticket price when its delayed.
If you want the full story... click.
Does this mean I can cruise the city looking for delays and make some cash? hmm..

Don't see red, see £££'s...

Decode... finally!

Been wanting to get to this exhibition for quite a time now, yesterday my grateful retinas were at last caressed by the digital fingertips of the Decode exhibit at the V&A. There is some really awesome pieces there and some great stuff to interact with also which makes it a bit more fun. My fave being the painting one, kinda makes you deel like a kid throwing powder paints again.
Now, i'm purposly not going to put any videos up as half the fun of this place is waving your arms about infront of things which arent even interactive...
though i'l include a link for the inquisitive kids...
On the way home we met a lady that was intrigued by my friends camera (and his ring actually) who proceeded to talk to us about other exhibits around london for a few stops. Then she decided to get off at Mansion House for no reason more than to have a look... nice attitude lady.
Then I went to have a meeting with the Creative Director of 'Albion', drew a hand on a blackboard and ate a pizza. Fin.

Monday 8 March 2010

Great Facebook status:

"Do I have something smarter to wear for Sunday lunch!?? Hell no motha fuck!! When you employ me you get a stone cold G who looks totally fresh as standard, at £6.30 an hour that's a bargain. Some people."

Cute, not seedy in the slightest ad for Match.com...

...I'd like to see a more true representation of internet dating done. The awkward turndowns, creepy stalkers, disfigurements...

First signs of interactive cinema...

i think i'd have to be there to really give a true opinion on this but I love the idea of interacting with films...

Friday 5 March 2010

Explanation of the '*' in last post... so don't expect anything to clever...

Most of the internerds of you out there will have seen this guy destroying items in his mega-blender before...
I stumbled upon the upgrade of this set of videos today... 'Watch it Shred'. A far more confident title and once you see the machine he's using you will see why there is no question mark in the heading... i'd like to see that white haired chap blend a BMW or a torpedo...

These videos genuinely scare me...

Music, birds and sand. sounds like Ibiza but infact isn't...

Went to see the CĂ©leste Boursier-Mougenot exhibition at the Curve gallery in the Barbican yesterday. For those who have no idea what i'm talking about, it's basically birds playing guitars. I went there thinking I was going to see one guitar in a glass box with a few birds in but was pleasantly surprised to find the entire curve gallery dedicated to an immersive walk-thru experience. surrounded by different instruments rigged up to speakers and a large flock of zebra finches (no, i had no idea before going there either but I can exclusively reveal that they are lovely little birds, kind of like little flying hamsters in the way they act (inquisitive/friendly/squeaky). Always nice getting a close look at animals, especially when they are shredding like Hendrix presenting 'Will it Blend' *...

Theres a great atmosphere in there, I advise a day visit if possible, it gets busy after 6pm...

Wednesday 3 March 2010



OK Go music video... it's had nearly a million views in 2 days, I defy you not to watch this...

I have a supreme fascination with Rube Goldberg videos (starting with the infamous Honda ad) and as good ones are not created very often (due to the extreme complexity and magnitude of things that can go wrong) I was excited to check this one out... it's phenomenal... isn't channel 4 doing a best music vid ever thing soon? This little ditty (thanks Matt) should definitely get in the runnings if there's any justice in the world (thanks Lemar)...

Follow up post: since the initial post of this story the views (847,000) have DOUBLED, surpassing the success of their previous video (the one on treadmills). This is a band that really knows the true power of the viral. Hmmm... I want me some of that...

Monday 1 March 2010

BPH... 1.

Yep, it's a horse powered car, with a horse actually inside it. It's Jeremy Clarkson's presenting-side's wet dream. The horse-power gags would be coming thicker and faster than a cheap porno.
check the rest at Toxel... HERE.

Saturday 27 February 2010

One of many great Bobby McFerrin audience participation vids...

Love the way the audience works so utterly instinctively with him, a true great.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Want a 14% chance of seeing a pervert? FOR FREE?? I did and now my soul feels a little smutty...

Chatroulette is a rhetorically named website i.e. it pairs random strangers for webcam based conversations. Visitors to the website randomly begin an online stranger chat (video and text) with another visitor. At any point, either user may leave the current chat and initiate another random connection (thanks Wiki). According to this little explanation/experiment video you have a 14% chance of coming face to face with a real life pervert, though I must say this isn't entirely true, it's more like face to penis... lesson learnt there, like I needed more proof that the internet is full of heteroclites...

chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.

If you just need to see this for yourself (even after warning of the inevitable eye-rape), head... HERE.
...and if you just want to see some action head to the fucking windows page.

I'm sure you have all seen the first one but...

...now check out Beardyman's (LIVE, real holographic. by Chris Cairns [very clever chap, check his Vimeo out]) version...

Neurosonics Live from Chris Cairns on Vimeo.

I SERIOUSLY need to understand how holograms work, like, now.