Saturday 27 February 2010

One of many great Bobby McFerrin audience participation vids...

Love the way the audience works so utterly instinctively with him, a true great.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Want a 14% chance of seeing a pervert? FOR FREE?? I did and now my soul feels a little smutty...

Chatroulette is a rhetorically named website i.e. it pairs random strangers for webcam based conversations. Visitors to the website randomly begin an online stranger chat (video and text) with another visitor. At any point, either user may leave the current chat and initiate another random connection (thanks Wiki). According to this little explanation/experiment video you have a 14% chance of coming face to face with a real life pervert, though I must say this isn't entirely true, it's more like face to penis... lesson learnt there, like I needed more proof that the internet is full of heteroclites...

chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.

If you just need to see this for yourself (even after warning of the inevitable eye-rape), head... HERE.
...and if you just want to see some action head to the fucking windows page.

I'm sure you have all seen the first one but... check out Beardyman's (LIVE, real holographic. by Chris Cairns [very clever chap, check his Vimeo out]) version...

Neurosonics Live from Chris Cairns on Vimeo.

I SERIOUSLY need to understand how holograms work, like, now.

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Ibraheem Youseef, Tarantino tribute posters...

Just awesome design. Nothing more, nothing less...

Love this set of posters, check the collection...
(scroll down a bit)

Green(er) energy?

Slightly less odd and kooky than my usual posts this is by no means less interesting...
The 'Bloom Box' wants to be in every home in 5-10 years, providing us with greener energy for a smaller price, decide for yourself...

also they have this rather ilusive website... seems something bigs a'gwanin in 23 hours time...
watch THIS space...

Monday 22 February 2010

I think I can safely speak for the masses when I say I like a nice crumb of cake but bloody hell...

This whole cupcake fad has gone far enough, time to move on to more pressing matters...


Fantastic VISA ad...

Ultimately the same as the wedding version but with more warmth (if you pardon the almost undetectable pun)...

Well directed ad, love the progressive thinning as the ad goes on.
Let the floodgates of Africa/football related ads begin...
(yoink ITIABTWC)

Penguin... the books not my secret love for the bird...

Penguin books...

Very simple ads from DDB Hong Kong. They really capture what it is to be reading a truly engrossing book and even have the cheek to make you feel jealous at the same time. Could possibly be boiled down even further but good use of the HDR technique.
Word to my Canadian compardre SoSticky for this one...

Old Spice ad...

My most sincere apologies for this getting to you after it has already had over two and a half million views...

What a completely brilliant ad.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Keiichi Matsuda's take on ARs future...

Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.

Call me a traditionalist but it's actually no joke, my phone lets me hear my friend voices so I don't have to go to them, it texts them so that I don't have to speak to them, it tells them where I am so that I don't have to interact with them. My phone tells me where places are so that I don't have to interact with people or look at a map, it even tells me which direction to go so that I don't need to know street names, I could go on...! If we aren't careful, in 50-60 we will just be blinking into cameras to control our possessions and communicate in the simplest ways possible. Then a real problem will turn up, the 'auto-save the world' feature on the planet will get an error message and an alien with long fingers and 13 brain cells will rock up and take over the earth by poking our corneas like a monkey playing with a new toy... or my imagination could be getting carried away slightly...

seriously addictive game number 2... maybe 3...

play for yourself... HERE.

Thursday 11 February 2010

Die Antwoord... "he own's a pc computer"...

When coolness is intrinsically connected to absolute absurdness a beautiful thing is created...

Thanks Sofi for dropping this one on me...

The production values here are incredible...
Die Antwoord... big fan.

...just remembered something I saw on TV last night...

The largest mathematically used number, so big that it is utterly inconceivable and in fact so vast that they must do a page of calculations to even get the last digit, is simply named 'Graham'.
As a way of trying to understand it's utter immensity the other large number they talk about in this programme is called a 'Goolge'. One 'Google' has more 0's after the 1 than there is atoms in our galaxy.

Should still be up on BBC Iplayer, a Horizon episode called 'Infinity', it will blow your insignificant minds...

This is a great idea@...

The clever people at 'Sarcmark' have designed a new character, that is actually available to purchase (well done, money will be made), and add to your keyboard and phone. No longer will the excuse be made, "you just can't get the tone across" though I can't help but think they should have done an entire range, all the way from the 'I don't really care but i'm talking to you anyway' tone through to the 'I'm hiding it well but I'd really like to cut off open your scrotum and replace your testicles with stingy nettles' look. Money to be made there readers, just remember me when you make your first million...

(or can i just write 'not' at the end instead?)

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Thanks Webkitten...

'Learnsomethingeveryday' is a sweet little site that lets you do just that, nice lil illustrations (printable on American Apparel t-shirts no less). I know it's not Valentines day yet but thought i'd put this one up so that I don't get any flack for being a cheesey turd for posting this on the 14th... and I think it's purdy...

Take some days off to look through the back catalogue and then bookmark this pearl of a site and keep up to date with useless information... here it be.

Monday 8 February 2010

Splitting the Atom...

So, quite a momentous day today, the new Massive attack album comes out. After being a pretty solid fan for a number of years this means quite a lot to me and after being shown this video and initially being on the fence, it is now stuck in my head after just one play. Must have gotten something right!
but... amazing video, must have taken some serious 3D work! headaches for many for quite some time i bet... well done...

Massive Attack-Splitting the Atom-directed by Edouard Salier from edouard salier on Vimeo.

Grandfather clock...

What an inspiration...

Creativity rules over cash...

Friday 5 February 2010

A graphic designers worst nightmare/wet dream...

After noticing a shoe repair shop on Great Titchfield Street called 'Sole Heelers' (absolute genius, pic to come...) I dug up this blog. He goes around taking photos of shop fronts in London, simple and satisfying... c'HECK it...

Super addictive iPhone game...

This beautiful little 8-bit gem is possibly even more addictive than Doodlejump. There's definitely something to be said about these type of games, the amont of time they can consume is pretty awe inspiring, i'd like to see the average visit time on this site...

Top scores to be written in the comments box...

Tuesday 2 February 2010

aniAdland ...

I hate to start on a negative but i'm not really liking the animation style here, right negative over... This great little animation from COY! is a great wander through the best bits of advertising throughout the last few decades. Count the ads and send in your answer to my comments box, you might win a prize!... but I can categorically tell you right now that you actually won't... enjoy though!

Monday 1 February 2010

Adidas (Japan) Vs. Star Wars...

Things look better in Jap-o-vision...

The range... HERE.