Wednesday 24 February 2010

Want a 14% chance of seeing a pervert? FOR FREE?? I did and now my soul feels a little smutty...

Chatroulette is a rhetorically named website i.e. it pairs random strangers for webcam based conversations. Visitors to the website randomly begin an online stranger chat (video and text) with another visitor. At any point, either user may leave the current chat and initiate another random connection (thanks Wiki). According to this little explanation/experiment video you have a 14% chance of coming face to face with a real life pervert, though I must say this isn't entirely true, it's more like face to penis... lesson learnt there, like I needed more proof that the internet is full of heteroclites...

chat roulette from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.

If you just need to see this for yourself (even after warning of the inevitable eye-rape), head... HERE.
...and if you just want to see some action head to the fucking windows page.