Tuesday 7 June 2011

More visual punnery from JD...

Mick Jagger Burger?
Mac Jagger Burger?

This is a real person...

"Meet Rocky Salemmo. He’s a ramblin’ gamblin’ man. For the majority of his adult life Rocky has hustled bowling for a living. Here is his story. A short documentary about booze, broads and bowling."

The Bowler from Sean Dunne on Vimeo.


Brrrrrrrr- (ooh ooh, ice cream on my nipple) -illiant video.

For all you amateur (and pro) filmmakers out there.
My eyes feel like they've just eaten an 8 course meal and my brain feels like its just done the Ironman. Feel like I've just learnt something about something (maybe thats a good way to describe being inspired?), which I like.
Battles - Ice Cream, by Canada...

(really best to see this in Full HD, saw it a while ago somewhere but I cant be arsed to find it again so I've just lumbered you with this Pootube version. What an asshole. Pun intended).