Friday 27 August 2010

Another American reality (see also: Twinkie)...

Old hat, new media?

The new Chatroulette campaign for 'The Last Exorcist' is a cracker, targeting greasy handed teenagers hoping to get a crafty peek at a cheerleaders boobie, they get a 'softening' blow from the devil himself (im just glad none of them got up and ran away).
Its amazing how one dastardly site has been turned into a top media used for creating virals (check the view count!).

(Thanks WebKitten)

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Brock Davis's blog...

"Make Something Cool Every Day: 2009
One piece of creative work made every day for 365 consecutive days.
January 1st - December 31st. Enjoy."
That was the plan, the result was blinding.
As one hirsute gent put it "Brock Davis is a gentleman who operates on a level of creativity that would crush the skull of a normal man." (Check HIS blog here).
I couldn't agree more.
See the whole set (all 365) HERE.

Friday 20 August 2010

Gaspar Noe - Enter the Void. Opening Credits. Wow, just wow.

Gaspar Noe, the french director that brought you such audio/visual delights as 'Irreversible' (known for its horrific 12min rape scene) and the ultra depressing and life questioning 'I Stand Alone' has now brought out his new film (soon)... 'Enter the Void'.
The artwork for the film looks second to none and, as usual with Gaspars films, intense and assaulting.
The opening credits have been leaked and Im VERY impressed... (watch these on the youtube page as blogger is still cropping!)

Phew! Yep thats Thomas Bangalter (one half of Daft Punk) doing his destructive audio thing again.
Here's the films official trailer...

Definitely one to see at the cinema.

Thursday 19 August 2010

In the future we will all converse like this to save our mouth batteries...

'iLingual' app, available at all good iphone app stores...

Monday 16 August 2010

Ashley Browning's simplified Streetfighter Characters

A nice method to explore, looking forward to seeing more of this type of thing, might even try my hand at it myself...
More form the maker found at his FlickR page (infinitecontinutes), some of these make great iPhone wallpapers by the way.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Foffa Bikes - Guerilla Campaign

My latest campaign (particularly proud so it has made it to the Yetti)...

This is the mock-up I sent one of the business partners after a chance encounter while out on my bike.
Check out my portfolio for a full set of photos from the night spray itself... HERE!
Great store, great bikes, great people. Believe the hype.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

HD TV ad from Kanye West...

..OK it's his new music vid but everybody's doing it, these slo-mo hi-res video pieces, stepping up the HD revolution. Liking Kanyes (well, Marco Brambilla's [great site]) effort here.
"Inspired by Michelangelo's frescos in the Sistine Chapel, the piece depicts a faux historical moment - an empire on the brink of collapse from its own excess, decadence and corruption."
To watch I'd suggest opening in Youtube and giving it the fullscreen 1080p it deserves rather than the shitty blogger 2/3s of a screen look (ahem.. Blogger! SORT IT).


Monday 2 August 2010

Panasonic Gets A Gold Star For Earphone Packaging Design

Its these little things in life that make me happy.

I can see that in the Saatchi Gallery.

I would love to se this re-filmed and edited by a professional, Full 1080p and without the 'dudes' rambling on about how much their hands are burning.
Can totally see that making it into the Saatchi Gallery. Someone please do it!