Saturday 3 December 2011

'tis the (dancing) season...

A different dance every day, beats a shitty shiny chocolate in the shape of a santa hat. Bookmark their site for the month - Here's a little taster from day 2, enjoy...

2nd December - 'Jailhouse Rock' by Elvis Presley from lewisnluke on Vimeo.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Something kids probably don't do anymore...

Can anyone remember the excitement that the newest edition of the Argos catalogue brought when you were a child? Ever thought you'd feel that good again? Well adults, take a step over here and re-live those moments... CLICK HERE TO EXPLORE THE FULL SET.
The design and layout of these pages is just grand.

DJ Shadow's new track/video...

Great song, Little Dragon seems to be cleaning up as of late. The video, though potentially BRILLIANT (the story could be told in a much more insane way) seems to have been done on a shoestring, perhaps to reflect the song title (did I just work that out while typing?). That said, using the memory man's story is such a stroke of genius, it hurts.

DJ Shadow "Scale It Back" ft. Little Dragon from DJ Shadow on Vimeo.

Great new TV spot for Barnardos.

Really does the job well.

Why didn't anyone tell me there was a 120m tall projection mapping project hosted by a world class DJ on my doorstep!? Momentum friends!

I've been wanting to see one of these for years. The wait continues...

Friday 4 November 2011

The internet weighs 50 grams...

I've never wanted to believe something more...

I'm planning world domination by putting the internet into a strawberry and eating it.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Tashe time...

After all your help last year, I was told that if I didn't do it this year it would just be selfish, so here we go again...

(last year)
I'll be growing a gnarley bit of facial hair for the month of November in the hope that all you wonderful people will think I look stupid and deem that enough to donate to the 'Movember' charity (Prostate and other cancer charities), mad thinking eh!? We can only hope.
In all seriousness, it's a great cause, so if you can spare a drop of your dollar, would be amazing.
Donate through my profile page... HERE!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Data visualisation at it's finest...

Kick back, slip ya digiscreens into high definizzy mode and relax...

20 Hz from Semiconductor on Vimeo.

"Data is really dry. Anything that can be put into an impenetrable spreadsheet and turned into an equally incomprehensible graph or bar-chart is usually best left well alone. But Semiconductor think not, in fact they ruddy love the data – so much so in fact that they’ve actively sought out data from the The Canadian Space Agency to utilise in their latest project. 20Hz is an audiovisual maelstrom of an animation that takes raw data from electromagnetic storms and re-interprets it with sound and light, allowing us just a little insight into the weather systems of the cosmos. It’s pretty stunning."

Wrap ya rets around this ill shit...

Incredibly well shot promo for Soulwax...

soulwax 'machine' from Radio Soulwax on Vimeo.

Monday 31 October 2011

2.8 Hours Later... (A quick, 'I'm actually at work' review)

Right, so this Friday just passed, I went on a Zombie excursion. A 3 day event (one each day) where people are chased around the city by zombies. 2.8hrs Later.
It was ACE.
We were basically chased by moaning/screaming blood spitting zombies whilst we went from 'survivor' to 'survivor' (more actors to tell you a bit of story and then a co-ordinate to the next area). It was set in the back streets of Bermonsey, London. We went around dark alleys and streets, through building/pubs and were even made to battle our way to the top of a multi-story car park. All whilst evading the undead.

In this video (sorry its so shit, I was being chased by zombies) we are being told where to hed next by a mad butcher chopping meat in a dark section under a bridge, from the pitch black space behind him we can hear shuffling and moaning, then screams, then we are told to run through the darkness, past the zombies.
I very nearly 'excavated my demons'.
At the end was a zombie disco where the 'infected' were made-up as zombies and we all had a rather strange party.
10/10. Do it next year Londoners.
For a slighty better review... HERE.

INTERESTING FACT ALERT!: Zombies worth over $5 billion to economy.

Sunday 30 October 2011


Jiro Bevis. (see his full, great, portfolio site... HERE)

Really liking this chap's style, reminiscent of Jim Phillips work from the old skate days (Iconic sticker and board designs including 'screaming hand'/'Santa Cruz').
LIKE Jiro Bevis.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Face like a shitflap.

Want one for Christmas please.
A new office build form 'Clay', an interactive media company...

PLAY THE VIDEO FOUND... HERE. Seriously, do it, it's a funny.
Arseholes like goalposts.

Wildly brilliant video for the new Duck Sauce track...

Duck Sauce 'Big Bad Wolf' from Somesuch & Co. on Vimeo.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

'10 Point Review'... and 'Drive' rule 'tha' roost.

So Drive is GREAT (saw it this weekend and literally had to verbally let the person next to me how excited I was [hiest scene]).
Anyway, 10 Point Review is also great, my new go to cinema review site, went on there and was greeted by every film I wanted to see and nothing else, muh'ah fucka knows my film tastes better than my own memory.
It's a new blog from Gordon Comstock (of 'NotVoodoo', pretty sure he's some creative ad guy [all the best blogs are by them/us]).
Here's his description...
I've started a film blog, called Ten Point Review. You should really read it.
I write a post about a film or a book in ten points, in an hour. I'm going to do one or two a week."
'ave a butchers y'all... HERE.

Monday 24 October 2011

Ad time Monday...

This is a drop of gleaming advertising gold. Brings hope back to me one day directing something like this...

Brought to you by the same le chaps that that brought you one of my favorite ads...

Thursday 20 October 2011

Weird Fishes

So following the release of the King of Limbs Remix album (great. LOVE KOL.) I looked up the set I saw at Glastonbury this year on the tube for a few badly shot vids with shitty audio, I found this...

Yep. The FULL set, edited for all the footage with audio mastered. HATS OFF TO YOU JAMES CLARKE.


loopy Icelandic musical genius, There's an app for that.

Looks great, would like to know from anyone that has it? Sweaty fans, nows your chance to shine i the eye of the Yetti.
Holla at me:

Simply brilliant spoken word from 'Polar Bear'

If you've never had the pleasure of seeing this guy throw his thing down, take a looky here:

Funny, beautiful, insightful, brilliant.


Ben Newman.
Really liking these 'simple' blocky designs. Printed on a T please.
See the rest HERE.

Epic .Gif...

Infographic magic.

Great info graphic here, actually printed this out and have it on my kitchen wall as a cooking reference, design geek or modern chic?:

AH. Seems this PNG is so vastly mighty it cannot be contained by a mere blogger page, see the full monty, HERE.


Great effort.

Analog Vinyl Sampling from Ishac Bertran on Vimeo.

Sadly, sounds like balls.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

More visual punnery from JD...

Mick Jagger Burger?
Mac Jagger Burger?

This is a real person...

"Meet Rocky Salemmo. He’s a ramblin’ gamblin’ man. For the majority of his adult life Rocky has hustled bowling for a living. Here is his story. A short documentary about booze, broads and bowling."

The Bowler from Sean Dunne on Vimeo.


Brrrrrrrr- (ooh ooh, ice cream on my nipple) -illiant video.

For all you amateur (and pro) filmmakers out there.
My eyes feel like they've just eaten an 8 course meal and my brain feels like its just done the Ironman. Feel like I've just learnt something about something (maybe thats a good way to describe being inspired?), which I like.
Battles - Ice Cream, by Canada...

(really best to see this in Full HD, saw it a while ago somewhere but I cant be arsed to find it again so I've just lumbered you with this Pootube version. What an asshole. Pun intended).

Friday 27 May 2011

Lil Buck and Yo Yo Ma (not yo' mama)...

Not sure why he has his name on this but Spike Jonze presents us with this, quite frankly, incredible piece of modern dance.
Check this out...

Wednesday 25 May 2011

The Wilderness Downtown...

OK, so apologies if I'm the last person to pick up on this but... well... WOW!
HTML5 just got taken out to dinner and given the lobster...

Click the link...
Pretty impressive website geekery from Google.

Thursday 19 May 2011

It's all about that rat...

Rattus Rattus, must-see Dubstep/Mashup/Rave/the list goes on DJ, has been on the game (no, he's not a 'lady of the night', its just a figure of speech) for a few years and is doing BIG things across the UK right now, not to mention trembling the eardrums of thinking ravers everywhere. I heard about Rattus a couple of years ago through a friend of mine whom he gave one of his, now infamous, mixtapes to to play in his shop. This particular mix went by the name of 'Raped by Bass Vol.2' and as soon as I heard it I wanted it, like a rare
Pokemon. The cover was hand drawn in chunky marker and had a 90's cassette mixtape feel about it, I demanded a way of getting the mix myself and was graciously provided with THIS LINK where I was met by a full page of ratty goodness (which I now pass on to you like a proud father handing down a family heirloom). He's had his fingers in many musical pies, see his Google results (yeah thats right, I'm just throwing the internet at ya rasclat, get stuck in), Radio 1Xtra, Urban Nerds etc etc.
So anyway, Rattus, (who is a busy fella, has just done full mix for i-D Magazine) was kind enough to step behind the decks for 'Sweatyyetti' and spin us up a personal mix to get you all coiled and ready for the weekend, lovely chap... ENJOY...

Keep up to date with what he's up to on his FACESMACK PAGE and go see him mash up a venue near you ASAP...
Believe the hype.
It's all about that Rat.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Something to relax you...

Yeah, sorry its an ad...

'Delicate Boundaries' by Chris Sugrue

Would LOVE to seethis type of tech in some sort of night-time outdoor ad on the unsuspecting public.

Friday 15 April 2011

First peek at the fat, hairy Hobbit...

I was, of course, aiming that comment in the title at Peter Jackson, i know, hilarious.
Regular peekers at my blog will all know very excited about this film, a huge fan of the Hobbit and a huge fan of latex so this little vid (well, a good solid 10mins) ticks all my boxes.

Theres a decent looking blog to follow too... HERE.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Will someone please explore something before Branson please. I'm getting Indiana Jonesial jelousy.

So, RB's at it again, this time to the very deepest points of the ocean...

See the full site (recommended)... HERE.
He's going seven miles (7 MILES!) straight down.
[insert youtube vid of that scene in 'The Abyss' when the bad guy gets crushed by the pressure]
We can only hope...greedy exploring bastard.

Thursday 31 March 2011


I have a small and very simple favour to ask of you...
One of my oldest friends has entered a film competition, HE NEEDS YOUR VOTES READERS!
All you need do is head to this link and vote for his entry, 'Spread the Word', it's just two clicks away and there's no annoying forms to fill in or anything like that, THANK YOU! (if he wins I'll make him write a little personal thank you to you all). THANKS.

IN OTHER EXCITING NEWS!>> BIG tings A'gwan in London Town...
Looks like I have booked our first guest mix! From a Bristol/London DJ whos really running things on the rave scene right now around here. A SweatyYetti exclusive so all you Dubstep/Mashup lovers out there pin back your ears and watch this space...

Movie Barcodes...

My good friend Steve from Flint London showed me these multi-coloured smears on Friday last week, telling me they were films, segmented into 26 frame rows then all lined up to create these beautifully painterly 'movie barcodes'. They read left to right. This particular one is of the Sci-Fi horror, 'Event Horizon'.

Want to see more? Check out the full selection... HERE.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Foffa's new site... a beaut.
It's got a 'Nike ID'-esque section where you can build your perfect fixie/single speed. Fun, informative and addictive. Just how any good website should be! PRESS TO VIEW

Also check out the team for a sneak peek at yours truely...

Friday 25 March 2011

A dogs dinner...

Just a little Friday funny for you, enjoy. I am LOVING this!

The greedy 'view' mongers disabled embedding of the vid! Heres the LINK.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Fucking the system with a smile...

This little pearl comes from Bristol, a city right next door to my hometown of Bath...

Grin twistingly brilliant.

Monday 21 March 2011

Fast food knock outs...

Please help Japan...

A terrible affliction inspires some interesting design.

Designers all over the world have been inspired to help this cause by creating appeal posters. If you can, please HELP.
See more... here.

Colour coded Groceries...

I'm actually gonna do this, very soon. Love the obvious but subtle use of a collection of every day objects. Would like to see a pic of someone casually carrying this round the supermarket, like I said, watch this space...
See the full post, more colours, HERE!

Wednesday 9 March 2011

VicLee - Landan Luvvie

Check the site to purchase and see the full range...

Friday 4 March 2011

Lucas Brunelle

Fearless videographer, makes videos that will have your heart crawling up the back of your tongue...

The Boxettes

Just been shown these girls by my friend Will, who saw them at a Fenchurch event a few days ago. Deep.
Couldn't really ask for more eh Benny??

The Boxettes - "Free" from Bright Black Film on Vimeo.

I wanna be there.

This 'castle' in Colorado is like some sort of medieval fun-house, like.

Follow the Link!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Calling all londoners, a test for you...

Recognise any of these?
one a day, makes me smile.

Beautiful Geekery.

A tipped hat to the designer.

Thursday 24 February 2011

iPad monkeys...

Gorillaz have brought out an album made entirely on an iPad??

I've gotta check this out...

A spherical Shadow...

Music is one thing in life I could not live without, I would give my left hand for 90% of the artists on my ipod to keep producing and this man is one of my favorites. His visuals are looking very cool. Just praying he takes this tour to Glastonbury this year...

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Theatrical projection mapping...

Though I must admit i've had my head out of the projection world for a while, I can't say i've seen anything with quite as much fast-paced interactivity as this little number. Theatre productions TAKE NOTE, time to modernise your men-under-sheets-with-eye-holes-cut-out ghosts!

Saturday 19 February 2011

New Radiohead material...

Taken from the new album 'King of Limbs'. I'm excited. In a monotone Radiohead kinda way.

Would love your feedback...

Friday 18 February 2011


Great little vid from the 'Rear View Girls', great idea, well exectuted, nice nice nice.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Another bloody zombie game.

This is a good teaser ad though...

and the recut (forwards)...

Wisdom schmisdom...

So... had my wisdom tooth out yesterday, thought I'd share the story with y'all.
After hearing endless tales from friends telling me how painful it would be (thanks you guys), I actually found the procedure far less harrowing that expected. I guess their plan was to build it up so much that when the event happened it was nothing, a bit like being persuaded to watch the Xfactor.
I know it wasnt a great way to cure those pre-dental jitters, but I was actually couldn't stop thinking about the 'Ren's Toothache' episode the whole time...

Anyway, I now have my tooth (obviously was always gonna keep it, never know when that little baby might come in handy right??), kinda feel like I should mix it up with frogs eyes and bats toes to make some sort of witches potion.
I feel like I gave birth to that tooth and it is now my duty to care for it and put it to good use. Im planning to keep it as some sort of lucky charm. Perhaps I can slip it back in my gum hole when I need my wisdom at full throttle.

The proud father ('s hand) and his creation.
A true beauty, I think you'll agree.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

NY is killin me, reprise.

This souly little number by Gil Scott Heron Re-worked (audio and visual) by none other than Chris Cunningham.

Yes, "Since 2003 his focus has moved to music: he produced two tracks on The Horrors' Mercury Prize--nominated Primary Colours; won a Cannes Golden Lion for his reworking of Donna Summer's "I Feel Love" in his 2008 Gucci Flora commercial; and created audiovisual remixes for Gil Scott-Heron and Grace Jones. Recently, he has headlined festivals around the world with his new live show, and is presently working on his first audiovisual album."
I'm Excited.

on a side, NY is killing me, note.... listen to this 'lil beauty... (thanks Bec)

Jamie xx is absolutly 'KILLIN' the remix scene right now!

Monday 24 January 2011

The power of high defininition cinematics is best served with a slice of butter

just saw 'The Kings Speech' on Saturday afternoon (brilliant by the way), Was plesently surprised when this new Lurpak ad crossed my retinas in gleaming quality.

It came across really beautifully in the cinema enviroment, Ive decided I actually like to watch the pre-film ads etc almost as much as the film itself.
Heres another little short I remember seeing before 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'...