Thursday 18 February 2010

Keiichi Matsuda's take on ARs future...

Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.

Call me a traditionalist but it's actually no joke, my phone lets me hear my friend voices so I don't have to go to them, it texts them so that I don't have to speak to them, it tells them where I am so that I don't have to interact with them. My phone tells me where places are so that I don't have to interact with people or look at a map, it even tells me which direction to go so that I don't need to know street names, I could go on...! If we aren't careful, in 50-60 we will just be blinking into cameras to control our possessions and communicate in the simplest ways possible. Then a real problem will turn up, the 'auto-save the world' feature on the planet will get an error message and an alien with long fingers and 13 brain cells will rock up and take over the earth by poking our corneas like a monkey playing with a new toy... or my imagination could be getting carried away slightly...