This wonderfully simple lesson in comma placement is the latest entry on Ross Horsleys blog My First Dictionary. The self confessed 'Timid librarian by day... Frenzied fan of gory slasher movies by night' has a large selection of these little pearls. This is just the thing my mum (hi mum) would get me on a card for my birthday, you hear that Ross? £3 right there buddy...
This amazing photo was taken by Matthew Albanese, it is completely fake, though completly real. He made this entire scene from brought items... "My work involves the construction of small-scale meticulously detailed models using various materials and objects to create emotive landscapes. Every aspect from the construction to the lighting of the final model is painstakingly pre-planned using methods which force the viewers perspective when photographed from a specific angle. Using a mixture of photographic techniques such as scale, depth of field, white balance and lighting I am able to drastically alter the appearance of my materials." Unbelievable. check out the full range... HERE. Awesome.
Beautifuly edited, sounds like something done by The Avalanches. A perfectly executed mix. After a friend of mine linked me this a few minutes ago (thank you Meer) i've heard it about 5 times, I think I could actually ilsten to this forever. I'm a big fan of audio/video cut-ups, something very satistfying about the new creation you are instantly familliar with... awesome awesome awesome...
p.s. Noticed at the begining when the old man plucks the ballon strings in the fire place it sounds EXACTLY the same as when you jump on a skeleton turtle (the ones in the castles that get back up after a few seconds) in Super Mario 3 ...ok so i may have run it out a bit now...
Someone please tell me they found this video just absolutly ridiculous!? (the "now I dont have to turn my hands upsidedown" comment for example). This video just makes me want to absolutely loathe the iPon due to this ludicrous script alone. A few other glaring issues: It has no real taraget audience. It is too big for a pocket so the teenagers wont buy it. It is too small to do any design work on so the designers won't buy it. It isn't powerful enough to run any big programmes so it has a short shelf life (expect a beefed up version soon). No Flash? how can it possibly be the most enhanced web browsing experience yet if it cannot run Flash? hmm? It can only be targeted at the people who want an ebook but even then if you are serious about that then it isn't for you either as the screen is not eye-friendly. I really could go on...
I can see that the games will be pretty awesome what with the large screen and more powerful processor (still not that powerful) and i'm certain it will give the other hand-held consoles a run for their money but it is just such and odd size, as I said, too big for the pocket and too small for home use. It would be a fun thing to have around but I really can't see what sort of life it has apart from a businessman who carries a briefcase and needs a jazzy new Filofax... Buy this if you just want to pointlessly give some money away to a cause you so obviously have an obsessive belief in... Ben at ifthisisablogthenwhatschristmas sums it up better than I have (yet)... HERE
What is the point of writing a blog if everything you post is the same as someone elses? common interest I guess yes but, the real meat of a blog is of the writers personal tales and misfortunes (classic Tom&Jerry entertainment). I vow to bring you more (I have enough of it, grumble grumble)... Might start a new blog of a little list of common posts i'm not going to post underneath a really odd and socialy-unacceptable item...
This is a bit old but I stumbled across it and it made me teeter like a boy toddler saying poo, so here it is... We've all been there, the absolute bane of your student life, the looming gloom of the burtonous dissertation. This video is just such a perfect capture of the madness which comes along with doing thousands of words when dyslexic. Love you brother...
The Geordie one has this New'ky Brown flavoured KitKat... Also in the range: The alcholic one - Smirnoff flavour The butch one - Yorkie flavour The Irish one - Guiness flavour The pasty one - Milky bar flavour...
Can see the kids demanding their vodka chocolate already...
The more advertisly (a word?) of you may have noticed a line from the new Deisel campaign, Be Stupid. I not only enjoy these ads but couldnt agree more with the quotes and live my life by these laws myself... eyes peeled...
The obsessive dedication these people have cannot be bottled (don't laugh) and most certainly cannot be faked. I am totally addicted to these peoples passion, it really is a beautiful thing... ...obviously the fact that its food related could be an issue also... ... check out the other obsessives and become obsessed...
Beautifully engineered... As kids we used to buy anti-freeze and hairspray (got some funny looks, only now do I realise people may have thought we were abusing gas) and hideaway in bushes and set our hands on fire for kicks. In retrospect It wad actually really bloody dangerous. Heh, Aaron Jones if you're out there buddy, big up the 'setting ourselves on fire in bushes' days... Right, that's enough history...
For those of you that don't know, I am from a little place called Bath, near Bristol. I just found this Facebook group that made me laugh out loud (yes i'm boycotting the use of 'LOL'), thought i'd share the madness with you lot... ... and yes there really is a greengrocer called Tony who is a DJ that refers to himself as 'The Milkman'... It's come to my attenttion that this link may not work so i'm gonna drop a few of the best on you... You know you grew up in Larkhall/Fairfield if... 1: You remeber when somerfield was "the gateway" (note the classic Larkhallian use of the 'the' ) 2: You understand the 6/7 bus routes and how they relate to each other 4: You sledged at the triangle field "up sailsbury" 5: You know of Mad Mary (bonus points if you've engaged in conversation with her) 6: You know Tony the milkman/ Dj Tony (priceless) 8: Its "the back fields" not larkhall recreational ground! 10: You understand the turf war between Davinda and Sunny 15: The shitty goalpost on the backfield 18: You have seen the guy with the pitbull always with a fat log in its mouth ("TAZ! COME ERRREEE!") Well done Tom and Harry for creating such a masterpiece...
So last night I was putting some washing in the machine and something in my back twanged... MAJORLY. I got to my room and tried sitting in my chair only to find that it was so excruciatingly painful that I could barely get up again. I stood resting on my desk for a few seconds before falling half into bed with a squeal (on my back with my feet over the side). I could not move. Couldn't even lift up one of my legs onto the bed, couldn't even lift a toe up without serious pain. 'hmmm, NOT GOOD', I thought, so I wrote a quick tweet (that's dedication [check my twitter account 'josh_denton']) and then yelled out to my flat mates for help. After the customary laugh at the cripple, they started worrying a bit more and began to ring the NHS helpline, I on the other hand, was getting worse and worse as my back ceased up more and more. 'fuck this, i'm calling a fucking ambulance', I was in agony and so did as i said I would and called the services. When they came round the 3 of them tried to make a joke about it but soon realized that I was going to need some form of pain relief if I was to stop swearing and yelling. The form of that pain relief came in Gas&Air (laughing gas). It worked but apparently not as well as the paramedics might have thought as they started laughing and then I did not. Still in a fair amount of pain I decided It might be a good idea for my housemates to film the ordeal (which in retrospect is a slightly stupid thing to do, but hey, I like to save the memories. One for the album)... Full edit of all that footage on the way... Here's just a small clip of the action... That is my girlfriend on the phone, she found out about this when my flatmate wrote a Facebook status of 'off to the hospital with Jocks'. Good way to scare a girlfriend there. Please please please excuse my overall rudeness and general oddness during all of this. I was VERY high on the gas&air and was in a massive amount of pain, which I felt that no one was giving credit for.
So anyway, I ended up in Central Hospital after a strange trip on the ambulance (pun intended), I had managed to get through 4 bottles of gas, as 2 were faulty and just hissed away (much to my distress). We had to stop off to meet a biker-medic to pick up a new bottle. I was so wasted when we got there that I had to drain myself in a cardboard bottle, with my mate holding it while I gripped a rail and his hand and clenched the gas pipe in my teeth. (Naim, thanks for that buddy, and err... yeah... sorry if I pissed on your gloves mate.) So anyway lets step back to the ambulance scene, Andy the paramedic asks me "have you ever been to the hospital Josh?". I say yes, Thinking of the time in my 1st year at uni when I gave my self acute food poisoning and was stuck in the white house for a week. 'well at least this time I won't get a finger up my arse' I think to myself... So, story back in A&E now, Doctor says "right Josh, i'm just going to test your reflexes and then i'm afraid i'm going to have to put my finger up your bottom" and he actually said it like that I swear to god. I HAVE BACK PAIN! NOT A BLEEDING RECTUM... the worst part was that this time I actually had to pinch his finger upon request, bloody hell.
On a serious note, a MASSIVE thanks to everyone who had to endure me last night, NHS staff don't get half the respect they deserve. Had you not helped me I would have literally gone mad and probably passed out from the pain. God bless you all...
This beautifuly crafted site is really doing it for me right now. It looks incredible, it’s simple, it’s beautifuly usable, the audio is great, the point is clear, blah blah… This vid is just one aspect from the site, which can be found... HERE.